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Thursday, October 13, 2011

- Creamy Tomato Soup Recipe


Last weekend masa Chik Na singgah kat blog Sister's Little Diary, Chik Na nampak Cik Siti share recipe Tomato Soup... ianya buat Chik Na termimpi-mimpi nak makan soup tu. Teringat masa dok Istanbul n masa ikut En. Zaidi outstation ke Ankara, selalunya bila kami makan kat luar mesti order sup tersebut. Sup Tomato kat sana memang sangat sedap...  most of  restoren mesti ada jual sup tomato :-)

Disebabkan teringin sangat nak makan soup tu, maka last monday Chik Na pun buat la sendiri soup tomato  yang kebetulan pula kat fridge memang dah ada chicken stock yg Chik Na buat dua-tiga hari sebelum tu. Masa tu niat nak buat Creamy Mushroom Soup

Creamy Tomato Soup ...sedap dimakan dengan Garlic Bread :-)

Ingredient :-)
(Serves 4)

25g / 2tbsp butter or margarine
1 onion, chopped
900g tomato, peeled n quartered ( Chik Na rebus sekejap sampai kulitnya pecah supaya senang nak peel)
2 carrots, chopped
2 cups chicken stock
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1/2 tsp fresh thyme leaves, plus extra for garnish ( Chik Na guna dried thyme)
5 tbsp whipping cream
salt n freshly ground black pepper

  1. Melt the butter or margarine in a large pan. Add the onion and cook, stierring occasionally. for 5 min
  2. Stir in tomato, carrot, chicken stock, parsley and thyme. Bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover the pan, and simmer for 15 -20 min until the vegetable are tender.
  3. Puree the soup in a vegetable mill until it is smooth. Return the pureed soup to the pan. (Kalau ada handblender, boleh terus puree direct dlm pan)
  4. Stir in the cream, and reheat gently without boiling. Season the soup to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Ladle into warmed soup bowls and serve pipinh hot, garnished with fresh thyme leaves.

Source: Warming n welcoming big soup by Debra Mayhew


Kakzakie Purvit said...

Tengah lapar kakak nie. Kakak mushroom sup pun dah suka kalau dapat yg ini bestnya:)

OneSimpleMother said...

sedap ye kak ina sup tomato ni? x masam macam tomato ke (dok imejin rasa tomato)? :)

Ibuhani said...

k.ani x pernah cuba sup tomato ni tp resepi nmpk sng jer kan. Kena cuba ni....TQ Chik na 4 d recipe!

kasihredha said...

sedap ni chik na
kena cuba nanti :)

Chik Na said...

Kak zakie: memand best especially dimakan masa suam-suam kuku :-)

Chik Na said...

OneSimpleMother: tak la terasa macam tomato sgt sebab dah dicampur carot n cream..

Chik Na said...

Ibuhani: cuba la..kalu yg suka tomato, mesti suka gak sup ni :-)

Chik Na said...

Kak kasih: cuba la..insyaallah sedap :)

lady lavender said...

kita tak suka tomato, tapi kalo buat sup camni sedap kot :-))

Rozita said...

Nampak cam sedap jer...Mesti cuba nih!

Hamizah said...

kena cuba jugalah..menggoda pulak sup tomato ni..

Chik Na said...

LL : anak chik na yang tak suka buah tomato pun suka sup ni :-)

Chik Na said...

Rozita n Hamizah : Cuba lah


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